Minggu, 18 November 2012

Can You Use a Green Energy Source like Water to Power a Car?

For more than a century, we rely on oil to fuel our cars. But did you know that the world’s oil is close to drying up because it is a nonrenewable resource? Well that may not happen tomorrow or next year but we are getting closer because of the demand in the world market. Why wait for that day when we can rely on a green energy source like water to power our cars.

Water can power a car? If you think that’s impossible, well it is already here but this is not yet being made on a commercial scale.

The German automobile BMW has produced the world’s first ever hydrogen powered car. While only 100 of these units were produced, you can already imagine if more of these vehicles are on the road.

The initial model namely the BMW Hydrogen 7 uses the body of the 760i model. Once you pop the hood, you will notice that the engine is different since it uses gas and hydrogen.

This just means we have not yet totally abandoned are dependence on gas. Given more time and money, the current 4.7 miles per gallon it can travel using water alone could hit double digits in the future.

The biggest challenge to using water as a green energy source as opposed to oil in vehicles is the engine. While there are cars around like the Prius which runs on electricity and gas thanks to fuel cell technology, the hydrogen combustion is less than 10 years old so you could say we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

To prevent the water from evaporating, this has to be stored in a large, 30-gallon, bi-layered and highly insulated tank so this does not evaporate into compressed gas. Another safety mechanism is the valves which are designed to open should the pressure within the tank exceed 5 bars.

With the success of the BMW H7, the company came out with a new car that is also partly powered by water known as the H2R. While we cannot yet put our garden hose into the fuselage to fill it up, this vehicle uses liquid nitrogen as a fuel.

Tests on this vehicle have shown it can achieve 285hp and reach a top cruising speed of 185.5 miles per hour. It can also accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour under 6 seconds.

But why use water? It is because hydrogen combustion is clean so it does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere unlike cars that run on petrol or diesel that emit carbon monoxide. Studies have shown that it also weighs less than hydrocarbon-based fuels and burns faster than conventional gasoline.

So when can you expect to buy a car that uses water as a green energy source? Hopefully in the next 10 to 20 years. It is really up to the automakers because all we can do is wait until a better and clear car hits the dealership.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

DIY Power System Review

The DIY Power System is a one of kind system in that it teaches you how to install an entire power system for your home. Instead of covering just one topic, the DIY Power System covers everything from building your own home, to building solar panels – including building your own batteries and wind generators in between!

If you are looking for a complete power system then the DIY Power System is ideal. It goes into extreme detail on every subject and doesn’t leave anything out. If you want to “go green” but don’t know where to start then this system is perfect for you.

What’s Included?

DIY Power System includes 5 components:

  1. Build Your Own Solar Generator

  2. Build Your Own Wind Generator

  3. Build Your Own Batteries

  4. Make Your Own Bio Diesel

  5. Build Your Own House

These five components include everything you need to be energy self-sufficient and you can easily end up reducing your energy bills massively within a short space of time. You don’t need any experience either because the guides are easy to follow and simple.

With the DIY Power System you can easily set yourself up to produce as much energy as you could possible want and you can really go “off the grid” and end up entirely self-sufficient when it comes to energy.

As well as saving a huge amount of money, you will be helping the environment too because these methods are all about renewable energy. Solar power, wind power, bio diesel and even batteries are all a great way to product your own energy and with this system you will be able to do just that.

There are no complicated materials to find and you can do this even if you have absolutely no experience – that’s one of the reasons we rate this product so highly.

If you’re looking to reduce your energy bills and really start to save money – thousands per year – you really should grab your copy of the DIY Power System. With everything you need to learn about renewable energy and even start building your own energy systems, the DIY Power System is the biggest no brainer we’ve seen in a long time.

Read More in http://jbevku.com

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Introduction to Active Solar Energy

Active solar energy is used by several homes, offices and other structures today because of its many benefits. Generally, active solar energy is described as the use of mechanical devices to gather, store and distribute solar energy inside the home. Active solar energy water heating systems use pumps so that water is circulated well within the system. There are several applications that you can try depending on your setup. Here are some tips.



Kamis, 15 November 2012

How to Choose the Best Solar Energy

With the recent advances in technology in recent years, being able to produce viable and clean energy to be used to power your home is now a reality. Alternative sources of power and energy will not only help you avoid burning fossil fuel to help provide electricity for your home, but will also help you save a considerable amount of money on the cost of your utility. One of those alternative energy sources is solar energy.

There are actually a number of different solar energy systems that are available in the market today. Since solar energy has become more common and more viable in the recent years, developers have begun to develop different solar energy systems that you can choose from, depending on your needs and limitations. Choosing a solar energy system that would fit best for your home is not necessarily an easy thing to do, which is why it is important that you learn how to choose the best one in order to get the right type of solar energy system for your home. Here are a couple of hints.

Know Your Solar Energy System

Before anything else, the very first thing that you must do is you must make sure that you know what different solar energy systems there are that you can choose from. Basically, there are two different types of solar energy systems, and those are the photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal systems.

Photovoltaic Panels

Photovoltaic panels are solar energy panels that convert solar energy and turn them into electricity that you can use to power up most of your appliances and household lighting, and should only be used for those particular uses. Unfortunatley, among the solar energy systems that are in the market, photovoltaic panels are considered to be one of the more expensive ones, if not the most expensive in the solar energy market today.

Solar Thermal Systems

Solar thermal systems, on the other hand, simply generate heat, and are well-suited for boilers, furnaces and water heaters, as this type of system allows you to make heat using direct solar energy at a much lower cost as compared to using conventional energy and electricity. However, if you want to retrofit your home with one of these solar thermal systems, you need to sacrifice a little bit of space in your home. The good thing about using this type of solar energy system though is that you will save up to 80% of your total energy cost per year.

Calculate Your Energy Cost

Once you have a much better understanding and grasp of what solar energy systems are out there, and how they work, you simply need to learn how to calculate the cost of your energy consumption. This will actually help you determine which type of solar energy system you should choose from the two. When calculating the cost of your energy consumption, you need to create a list of all the things that might need energy and electricity. Include appliances, lighting, water heating, space heating, space cooling and air conditioning. If you can, try and figure out first if there are ways that you can reduce your electricity and energy consumption without having to resort to retrofitting your home with solar energy system.

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Use Safe Energy Today

In the winter your home heating cost may rise almost each year.  There are many reasons for this rise in heating costs for all types of heat whether you have electric, gas, or oil heat in your house.  There are several things to save money and get ready for the rise of energy costs in your home environment.

Check out these tips to see how you can keep your bills lower this winter:

Make sure your windows are insulated.  Examine every room in your house to make sure your windows are sealed well.  You can see if there is a leak by lighting a match and producing smoke near a shut window.  If there is a leak you can see the smoke go towards that part of the window.  You can buy kits to patch up your windows and make them better for the winter.

A ceiling fan can help bring warm air closer to where you, since warm air always goes up the fan can help bring it down.  You can get some that will help you out in the summer to keep cool too.

Keep your doors closed when you aren’t in the room.  This will help you to keep cold air from escaping to the areas of the house that you use more often.  This will also help you save money when you just heat the areas of the room that you are using.

Use curtains and blinds to keep heat in.  During the day open your blinds so you get sunlight and then close them when it is dark to keep heat inside.  You can really feel the difference when you use the sun’s own safe energy to help you heat the rooms in your house and then close your curtains at night to keep the cold air out.

Make sure that your doors are weather proofed too and make sure you caulk your windows.  You don’t to feel a draft if you don’t’ have to.  Check the bottoms of doors to make sure that they aren’t drafty.  You can use caulk to seal up windows and if the seal is broken on your windows make sure that you fix it wherever it is damaged.

You can realign your doors because they can begin to sag and lose shape.  You should do this before winter so you can have them fitting snuggly to keep you warm.

Make sure your furnace is in prime working order.  You can hire someone to help you with this project and make sure that you are saving money by getting the most out of your furnace.  When it is running poorly you will be losing money and you can have real issues with safety.

Senin, 12 November 2012

The Risks Of Solar Energy

When people talk about solar energy, all they really talk about is how much this alternative form of energy source is a great source for power and electricity, and how this source of energy can help you save a lot on your utility bills. However, there are certain things and aspects about solar energy that should be discussed with people, especially since solar energy is now being integrated in constructing modern day houses and structures, and are even now becoming a viable source for power and electricity.

One of those things that should be discussed involves the risk of using solar energy. This article will try to present to you some facts and information about the risks involved in using solar energy. Before we can discuss more about the different risks, let us first discuss what solar energy is, and how it is produced in order to understand its different risks.

Known Dangers of Solar Energy

For those of you who don’t know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is actually the very same process that is involved in nuclear power plants, and actually employs the same basic nuclear physics laws that applies to atomic bombs. This is definitely a major cause for alarm for most people.

Aside from that, add the fact that the main energy source for solar energy is actually hydrogen, which is a form of gas that is highly explosive, and that is definitely something that you should be aware of. Hydrogen is a tremendously destructive component that can be found in H-bombs, and also produces dangerous fallout for those exposed.

These known dangers of solar energy may sound very threatening, but these are not the only things that you should be worried about, for solar energy could also have other not so well-known dangers that could pose a risk to your health.

Solar Energy Radiation

Right now, we are all actually being subjected to the sun’s background radiation, which could be dangerous if exposure to it exceeded a certain level. There is really nothing we can do to prevent being exposed to such background radiation other than to simply avoid sun exposure.

However, if your home uses solar energy to power up your house, you might find it more difficult to do. Since solar energy technology harnesses the power of the sun by concentrating the sunlight, and using its energy to light up your home’s light bulb, you could very well be irradiating your entire home, something which could cause skin cancer later on.

Blindness from Solar Energy

Another danger that could stem from using solar energy to power up your different gadgets and electronics at home is that it could cause blindness if you were to expose your eyes to too much radiation from them, just like staring directly at the sun for too long.

Solar Energy Fire Hazards

Since most solar collectors basically concentrate the sunlight that they are able to collect from the sun, it can be a fire hazard, especially since fire can very easily start if there were very high concentrations and levels of solar energy. These high and dangerous levels of solar concentrations could easily ignite combustible materials, making it a possible hire hazard on any home.

These are just some of the risks that solar energy could pose on you, so make sure that you do some researching first before deciding on whether you want to get and use solar energy technology for your home or not.

Minggu, 11 November 2012

Sky 4 Energy Review

Have you heard of getting energy from thin air? Have you wanted to reduce your energy costs and are always on the lookout for new methods? Have you heard of Nikola Tesla? Did you know his device was actually invented in the 1900s? Are you looking for a way to make serious savings on your energy bills? Well, you’re in the right place!

Sky 4 Energy is a brand new product that teaches you the methods to save energy using the Tesla device. You can make this device yourself and it’s really cheap to make. It takes up hardly any space and is a completely free way to generate unlimited energy.

Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not! It’s an amazing discovery that was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1901. Unfortunately, it’s been pretty undercover since then, mainly because the big energy companies and the government weren’t very keen on letting it out into the public domain. However, it’s now available and you can buy Sky 4 Energy to learn exactly what you need to do to make this device for yourself and start enjoying free energy for life!

You can get all the materials from your local electrical store and you don’t need any special knowledge to put it together – the plans are simple and Sky 4 Energy offers a simple step by step guide to help you through the process.

Have you always wanted to “go green” but didn’t want to fork out on expensive solar panels and wind turbines? Well, this is your ideal solution. It’s easy, it’s affordable and it works!

There are a ton of amazing testimonials on the website and they prove that this system not only works but that just about anybody can install this system for their home. If you want to generate free electricity and have thought about solar panels but decided they are too expensive, then the Tesla option could be just what you need.

Sky 4 Energy is a complete package and for just $47 you can get your hands on the complete guide as well as 7 amazing green/renewable energy bonuses! You won’t get a better deal than this anywhere else – the bonuses alone are worth hundreds of dollars – let alone the massive amount of money you will save on energy bills when you build and install this amazing Tesla system! It’s easy, it’s affordable – it’s a no brainer!