Senin, 12 November 2012

The Risks Of Solar Energy

When people talk about solar energy, all they really talk about is how much this alternative form of energy source is a great source for power and electricity, and how this source of energy can help you save a lot on your utility bills. However, there are certain things and aspects about solar energy that should be discussed with people, especially since solar energy is now being integrated in constructing modern day houses and structures, and are even now becoming a viable source for power and electricity.

One of those things that should be discussed involves the risk of using solar energy. This article will try to present to you some facts and information about the risks involved in using solar energy. Before we can discuss more about the different risks, let us first discuss what solar energy is, and how it is produced in order to understand its different risks.

Known Dangers of Solar Energy

For those of you who don’t know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is actually the very same process that is involved in nuclear power plants, and actually employs the same basic nuclear physics laws that applies to atomic bombs. This is definitely a major cause for alarm for most people.

Aside from that, add the fact that the main energy source for solar energy is actually hydrogen, which is a form of gas that is highly explosive, and that is definitely something that you should be aware of. Hydrogen is a tremendously destructive component that can be found in H-bombs, and also produces dangerous fallout for those exposed.

These known dangers of solar energy may sound very threatening, but these are not the only things that you should be worried about, for solar energy could also have other not so well-known dangers that could pose a risk to your health.

Solar Energy Radiation

Right now, we are all actually being subjected to the sun’s background radiation, which could be dangerous if exposure to it exceeded a certain level. There is really nothing we can do to prevent being exposed to such background radiation other than to simply avoid sun exposure.

However, if your home uses solar energy to power up your house, you might find it more difficult to do. Since solar energy technology harnesses the power of the sun by concentrating the sunlight, and using its energy to light up your home’s light bulb, you could very well be irradiating your entire home, something which could cause skin cancer later on.

Blindness from Solar Energy

Another danger that could stem from using solar energy to power up your different gadgets and electronics at home is that it could cause blindness if you were to expose your eyes to too much radiation from them, just like staring directly at the sun for too long.

Solar Energy Fire Hazards

Since most solar collectors basically concentrate the sunlight that they are able to collect from the sun, it can be a fire hazard, especially since fire can very easily start if there were very high concentrations and levels of solar energy. These high and dangerous levels of solar concentrations could easily ignite combustible materials, making it a possible hire hazard on any home.

These are just some of the risks that solar energy could pose on you, so make sure that you do some researching first before deciding on whether you want to get and use solar energy technology for your home or not.

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