Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Saving Energy In Your Home (2)

20. Air dry your dishes whenever you can.

Using the dishwater heater consumes a lot of energy. Thus, it is best if you turn it off, whenever you leave your place and also when you are not making use of it. Aside from that, it is also a good idea to simply air dry your dishes whenever you can or when you have the time for it.

21. Be mindful of your cooling system’s thermostat levels.

It is best to be mindful of your cooling system’s temperature or thermostat levels. This is because, it can determine the amount of energy that it would consume in cooling down your place. Thus, you should take note of the comfortable temperature that you want to achieve, so that you won’t go lower and consume more energy in the process.

22. An alternative to using your air conditioning system.

If it is warm and you don’t want to turn on your air-conditioning system for a while, you can make use of an alternative for it. All you have to do is to place a bowl that is filled with ice cubes in front of your electric fan. Turn on the fan, and you can feel cool air blown towards you.

23. Reduce the humidity inside your place.

Reducing the humidity inside your place can greatly help in making you more comfortable during warm weather conditions. To achieve that, all you have to do is to use a dehumidifier. When you make use of it, you can minimize the number of times that you have to turn on your air-conditioning system.

24. Use your air-conditioning system’s timer.

It is a good idea to make use of your air-conditioning system’s timer on a regular basis to saving energy in your home. For example, when you turn it on at night before going to bed, set the timer to turn off the system by dawn. This is because, it is usually pretty cold during that time, and you won’t even notice that your AC has already been turned off.

25. Minimize the use of your shower’s heater.

There are times when people make use of their showers’ heater even on summer times. Thus, whenever it is warm, you should see to it that your shower’s heater has been turned off. Do this, so that you can enjoy cooler water, and save on energy consumption.

26. Minimize the times your kids open up the fridge.

Whenever you open the door of your refrigerator, its cool air would go out and warm air would go in. Therefore, it can make your fridge work harder, and consume more energy because of it. Thus, you have to remind your kids not to open up the fridge a lot. Aside from that, let other members of your household be aware of it, so that they can all help out.

27. Purchase an air-conditioning system that can help you conserve energy.

There are air-conditioning systems today, which are designed to help you conserve energy. One example of it is that, it has a plug that comes with a socket in it, in which you can plug your fan into. With that, once the timer turns off the system, your fan would automatically be turned on, so that you won’t even have to get up of your bed to do it.

28. Buy more food items to place inside your refrigerator.

Keep in mind that a cooling system usually works harder with larger space. Thus, if your refrigerator is half empty, then it needs to consume more energy to cool it down. With that, you should try to consume more space inside your refrigerator, so that you would be able to saving energy in your home.

29. Turn off your computer.

Lots of people think that when they turn their computer off and on, it would wear out the system faster. However, it is actually untrue, especially with the newer computers. Thus, it is time to make it a practice to turn off your computer whenever you are not using it, so that you can bring down your electricity bills.

30. Turn off all heat sources in summer.

One of the best ways to minimize heat during the summertime is to turn off all the heat sources inside your place. Some of which would be lights, appliances, and other electrical items. Turning off these things whenever they are not in use would minimize heat inside the house, and would help you save on energy cost.

31. Use LED for your lighting needs.

LED lighting is now being used by a lot of companies, in order for them to reduce their electricity bills. This is because, these types of lighting are energy efficient compared to traditional types. Thus, it is time to make use of such types of lighting, so that you too can enjoy more savings from them.

32. Add light timers in your place.

Reducing the amount of time you make use of the lights inside your place can help a lot when it comes to energy saving. Thus, installing light timers can help you achieve your goal in it. With a timer, you can ensure that the lights in your porch or garage would be turned off, even before you go out of bed.

33. Energy saving in cooking.

Whenever you are trying to cook something with the use of a pot, it is better to make use of the lid for it to conserve energy. By using the lid, it ensures that heat would not go out of the pot and be focused on the food that you are trying to cook. This is actually one of the reasons why the lid is always included whenever you purchase a pot.

34. Having a swimming pool.

A swimming pool can greatly help you during summertime, since it can reduce the amount of time you make use of your air-conditioning system. However, running your pool can also consume lots of energy, especially if you let the water pump run 24 hours a day. To get around it, just let it run for 6 to 8 hours each day instead, so that you can saving energy in your home.

35. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Using the traditional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy. This is because, aside from providing light, they also produce heat. Thus, it is time to replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs today, so that you can saving energy in your home. They do not produce heat, and they consume 80 percent less energy.

36. Motion sensing devices.

Motion sensors can help you a lot when it comes to conserving energy. This is because, you can make use of them for your outdoor lighting. With motion sensors, you can ensure that your outdoor lighting would only be used whenever the sensors detect something moving outside your place.

37. Your furnace filters.

Keep in mind that your furnace filters can get dirty in just a matter of time. The dirtier they get, the more energy your furnace fan needs to consume in order to work. Thus, it is best if you replace the furnace filters on a regular basis, so that you can consume less energy.

38. Give your computer a break.

Keep in mind that your computer becomes slower as you fill it up with more and more data. Thus, it is time to clean out unwanted data from it. By doing that, your computer would work faster, which would reduce the time you need to spend in doing something in and it that would result to more energy saved.

39. Get your family to watch television in the living room.

It is quite a usual thing these days for each of the members of the family to have their own television set insider their own rooms. Whenever you are all trying to watch the same TV program though, convince all the members of the family to watch it in the living room. When you do this, you won’t just be saving energy in your home, but it can also give you time to bond with each other.

40. Buy energy efficient appliances.

If you are shopping for appliances, you would realize that in most cases, the energy efficient products are usually more expensive. Although they are, they can actually provide you with more benefits in the long run. Aside from helping you minimize energy consumption, these models usually are also made in higher quality than the others.

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