Minggu, 18 November 2012

Can You Use a Green Energy Source like Water to Power a Car?

For more than a century, we rely on oil to fuel our cars. But did you know that the world’s oil is close to drying up because it is a nonrenewable resource? Well that may not happen tomorrow or next year but we are getting closer because of the demand in the world market. Why wait for that day when we can rely on a green energy source like water to power our cars.

Water can power a car? If you think that’s impossible, well it is already here but this is not yet being made on a commercial scale.

The German automobile BMW has produced the world’s first ever hydrogen powered car. While only 100 of these units were produced, you can already imagine if more of these vehicles are on the road.

The initial model namely the BMW Hydrogen 7 uses the body of the 760i model. Once you pop the hood, you will notice that the engine is different since it uses gas and hydrogen.

This just means we have not yet totally abandoned are dependence on gas. Given more time and money, the current 4.7 miles per gallon it can travel using water alone could hit double digits in the future.

The biggest challenge to using water as a green energy source as opposed to oil in vehicles is the engine. While there are cars around like the Prius which runs on electricity and gas thanks to fuel cell technology, the hydrogen combustion is less than 10 years old so you could say we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

To prevent the water from evaporating, this has to be stored in a large, 30-gallon, bi-layered and highly insulated tank so this does not evaporate into compressed gas. Another safety mechanism is the valves which are designed to open should the pressure within the tank exceed 5 bars.

With the success of the BMW H7, the company came out with a new car that is also partly powered by water known as the H2R. While we cannot yet put our garden hose into the fuselage to fill it up, this vehicle uses liquid nitrogen as a fuel.

Tests on this vehicle have shown it can achieve 285hp and reach a top cruising speed of 185.5 miles per hour. It can also accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour under 6 seconds.

But why use water? It is because hydrogen combustion is clean so it does not emit harmful gases into the atmosphere unlike cars that run on petrol or diesel that emit carbon monoxide. Studies have shown that it also weighs less than hydrocarbon-based fuels and burns faster than conventional gasoline.

So when can you expect to buy a car that uses water as a green energy source? Hopefully in the next 10 to 20 years. It is really up to the automakers because all we can do is wait until a better and clear car hits the dealership.

Sabtu, 17 November 2012

DIY Power System Review

The DIY Power System is a one of kind system in that it teaches you how to install an entire power system for your home. Instead of covering just one topic, the DIY Power System covers everything from building your own home, to building solar panels – including building your own batteries and wind generators in between!

If you are looking for a complete power system then the DIY Power System is ideal. It goes into extreme detail on every subject and doesn’t leave anything out. If you want to “go green” but don’t know where to start then this system is perfect for you.

What’s Included?

DIY Power System includes 5 components:

  1. Build Your Own Solar Generator

  2. Build Your Own Wind Generator

  3. Build Your Own Batteries

  4. Make Your Own Bio Diesel

  5. Build Your Own House

These five components include everything you need to be energy self-sufficient and you can easily end up reducing your energy bills massively within a short space of time. You don’t need any experience either because the guides are easy to follow and simple.

With the DIY Power System you can easily set yourself up to produce as much energy as you could possible want and you can really go “off the grid” and end up entirely self-sufficient when it comes to energy.

As well as saving a huge amount of money, you will be helping the environment too because these methods are all about renewable energy. Solar power, wind power, bio diesel and even batteries are all a great way to product your own energy and with this system you will be able to do just that.

There are no complicated materials to find and you can do this even if you have absolutely no experience – that’s one of the reasons we rate this product so highly.

If you’re looking to reduce your energy bills and really start to save money – thousands per year – you really should grab your copy of the DIY Power System. With everything you need to learn about renewable energy and even start building your own energy systems, the DIY Power System is the biggest no brainer we’ve seen in a long time.

Read More in http://jbevku.com

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Introduction to Active Solar Energy

Active solar energy is used by several homes, offices and other structures today because of its many benefits. Generally, active solar energy is described as the use of mechanical devices to gather, store and distribute solar energy inside the home. Active solar energy water heating systems use pumps so that water is circulated well within the system. There are several applications that you can try depending on your setup. Here are some tips.



Kamis, 15 November 2012

How to Choose the Best Solar Energy

With the recent advances in technology in recent years, being able to produce viable and clean energy to be used to power your home is now a reality. Alternative sources of power and energy will not only help you avoid burning fossil fuel to help provide electricity for your home, but will also help you save a considerable amount of money on the cost of your utility. One of those alternative energy sources is solar energy.

There are actually a number of different solar energy systems that are available in the market today. Since solar energy has become more common and more viable in the recent years, developers have begun to develop different solar energy systems that you can choose from, depending on your needs and limitations. Choosing a solar energy system that would fit best for your home is not necessarily an easy thing to do, which is why it is important that you learn how to choose the best one in order to get the right type of solar energy system for your home. Here are a couple of hints.

Know Your Solar Energy System

Before anything else, the very first thing that you must do is you must make sure that you know what different solar energy systems there are that you can choose from. Basically, there are two different types of solar energy systems, and those are the photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal systems.

Photovoltaic Panels

Photovoltaic panels are solar energy panels that convert solar energy and turn them into electricity that you can use to power up most of your appliances and household lighting, and should only be used for those particular uses. Unfortunatley, among the solar energy systems that are in the market, photovoltaic panels are considered to be one of the more expensive ones, if not the most expensive in the solar energy market today.

Solar Thermal Systems

Solar thermal systems, on the other hand, simply generate heat, and are well-suited for boilers, furnaces and water heaters, as this type of system allows you to make heat using direct solar energy at a much lower cost as compared to using conventional energy and electricity. However, if you want to retrofit your home with one of these solar thermal systems, you need to sacrifice a little bit of space in your home. The good thing about using this type of solar energy system though is that you will save up to 80% of your total energy cost per year.

Calculate Your Energy Cost

Once you have a much better understanding and grasp of what solar energy systems are out there, and how they work, you simply need to learn how to calculate the cost of your energy consumption. This will actually help you determine which type of solar energy system you should choose from the two. When calculating the cost of your energy consumption, you need to create a list of all the things that might need energy and electricity. Include appliances, lighting, water heating, space heating, space cooling and air conditioning. If you can, try and figure out first if there are ways that you can reduce your electricity and energy consumption without having to resort to retrofitting your home with solar energy system.

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Use Safe Energy Today

In the winter your home heating cost may rise almost each year.  There are many reasons for this rise in heating costs for all types of heat whether you have electric, gas, or oil heat in your house.  There are several things to save money and get ready for the rise of energy costs in your home environment.

Check out these tips to see how you can keep your bills lower this winter:

Make sure your windows are insulated.  Examine every room in your house to make sure your windows are sealed well.  You can see if there is a leak by lighting a match and producing smoke near a shut window.  If there is a leak you can see the smoke go towards that part of the window.  You can buy kits to patch up your windows and make them better for the winter.

A ceiling fan can help bring warm air closer to where you, since warm air always goes up the fan can help bring it down.  You can get some that will help you out in the summer to keep cool too.

Keep your doors closed when you aren’t in the room.  This will help you to keep cold air from escaping to the areas of the house that you use more often.  This will also help you save money when you just heat the areas of the room that you are using.

Use curtains and blinds to keep heat in.  During the day open your blinds so you get sunlight and then close them when it is dark to keep heat inside.  You can really feel the difference when you use the sun’s own safe energy to help you heat the rooms in your house and then close your curtains at night to keep the cold air out.

Make sure that your doors are weather proofed too and make sure you caulk your windows.  You don’t to feel a draft if you don’t’ have to.  Check the bottoms of doors to make sure that they aren’t drafty.  You can use caulk to seal up windows and if the seal is broken on your windows make sure that you fix it wherever it is damaged.

You can realign your doors because they can begin to sag and lose shape.  You should do this before winter so you can have them fitting snuggly to keep you warm.

Make sure your furnace is in prime working order.  You can hire someone to help you with this project and make sure that you are saving money by getting the most out of your furnace.  When it is running poorly you will be losing money and you can have real issues with safety.

Senin, 12 November 2012

The Risks Of Solar Energy

When people talk about solar energy, all they really talk about is how much this alternative form of energy source is a great source for power and electricity, and how this source of energy can help you save a lot on your utility bills. However, there are certain things and aspects about solar energy that should be discussed with people, especially since solar energy is now being integrated in constructing modern day houses and structures, and are even now becoming a viable source for power and electricity.

One of those things that should be discussed involves the risk of using solar energy. This article will try to present to you some facts and information about the risks involved in using solar energy. Before we can discuss more about the different risks, let us first discuss what solar energy is, and how it is produced in order to understand its different risks.

Known Dangers of Solar Energy

For those of you who don’t know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is actually the very same process that is involved in nuclear power plants, and actually employs the same basic nuclear physics laws that applies to atomic bombs. This is definitely a major cause for alarm for most people.

Aside from that, add the fact that the main energy source for solar energy is actually hydrogen, which is a form of gas that is highly explosive, and that is definitely something that you should be aware of. Hydrogen is a tremendously destructive component that can be found in H-bombs, and also produces dangerous fallout for those exposed.

These known dangers of solar energy may sound very threatening, but these are not the only things that you should be worried about, for solar energy could also have other not so well-known dangers that could pose a risk to your health.

Solar Energy Radiation

Right now, we are all actually being subjected to the sun’s background radiation, which could be dangerous if exposure to it exceeded a certain level. There is really nothing we can do to prevent being exposed to such background radiation other than to simply avoid sun exposure.

However, if your home uses solar energy to power up your house, you might find it more difficult to do. Since solar energy technology harnesses the power of the sun by concentrating the sunlight, and using its energy to light up your home’s light bulb, you could very well be irradiating your entire home, something which could cause skin cancer later on.

Blindness from Solar Energy

Another danger that could stem from using solar energy to power up your different gadgets and electronics at home is that it could cause blindness if you were to expose your eyes to too much radiation from them, just like staring directly at the sun for too long.

Solar Energy Fire Hazards

Since most solar collectors basically concentrate the sunlight that they are able to collect from the sun, it can be a fire hazard, especially since fire can very easily start if there were very high concentrations and levels of solar energy. These high and dangerous levels of solar concentrations could easily ignite combustible materials, making it a possible hire hazard on any home.

These are just some of the risks that solar energy could pose on you, so make sure that you do some researching first before deciding on whether you want to get and use solar energy technology for your home or not.

Minggu, 11 November 2012

Sky 4 Energy Review

Have you heard of getting energy from thin air? Have you wanted to reduce your energy costs and are always on the lookout for new methods? Have you heard of Nikola Tesla? Did you know his device was actually invented in the 1900s? Are you looking for a way to make serious savings on your energy bills? Well, you’re in the right place!

Sky 4 Energy is a brand new product that teaches you the methods to save energy using the Tesla device. You can make this device yourself and it’s really cheap to make. It takes up hardly any space and is a completely free way to generate unlimited energy.

Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not! It’s an amazing discovery that was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1901. Unfortunately, it’s been pretty undercover since then, mainly because the big energy companies and the government weren’t very keen on letting it out into the public domain. However, it’s now available and you can buy Sky 4 Energy to learn exactly what you need to do to make this device for yourself and start enjoying free energy for life!

You can get all the materials from your local electrical store and you don’t need any special knowledge to put it together – the plans are simple and Sky 4 Energy offers a simple step by step guide to help you through the process.

Have you always wanted to “go green” but didn’t want to fork out on expensive solar panels and wind turbines? Well, this is your ideal solution. It’s easy, it’s affordable and it works!

There are a ton of amazing testimonials on the website and they prove that this system not only works but that just about anybody can install this system for their home. If you want to generate free electricity and have thought about solar panels but decided they are too expensive, then the Tesla option could be just what you need.

Sky 4 Energy is a complete package and for just $47 you can get your hands on the complete guide as well as 7 amazing green/renewable energy bonuses! You won’t get a better deal than this anywhere else – the bonuses alone are worth hundreds of dollars – let alone the massive amount of money you will save on energy bills when you build and install this amazing Tesla system! It’s easy, it’s affordable – it’s a no brainer!

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Benefits of Green Energy Sources

For a very long time, we have relied on fossil fuels. It provides heat to our homes, gas for our cars and electricity. Since we are now using it more than ever, there is a consequence. We are depleting our resources and slowly killing our planet. Fortunately, we can change our ways and then shift our attention to green energy sources.

But why green energy sources? Well because there are advantages to using them which we will never be able to get if we don’t change our ways. This is also even if some will argue that the problem with green energy is that it is sometimes difficult to generate the power we need. While that may be true, that is why there are other green energy sources  available and we just to know which ones are viable given the geographic location.

The various green energy sources such as solar, wind, wave, hydropower and geothermal do not produce anything harmful which may have a negative effect on the environment. This is the exact opposite of what you get when you continue to operate a coal or nuclear power plant.

Coal you have to remember releases carbon dioxide into the air. On its own, it may not cause that much damage but there are currently 50,000 coal plants around the world and that number is expected to grow.

Nuclear plants may not release anything harmful into the air. The issue is how we dispose of the spend rods and if another nuclear accident should occur. We remember Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. We have probably learned better ways to prevent another incident from happening. Through the years, a few minor accidents have occurred and although the leak was contained, just imagine if it wasn’t?

Green energy sources may not be maintenance free but at least it does not require that much to maintain them compared to conventional means. In the end, we save money because such facilities don’t cost that much to operate.

The next advantage of using green energy sources is that we will never run out of them. For centuries, the sun’s rays have reached so has the wind which is blown from the sea. By using it, we decrease our dependence on oil which is a nonrenewable resource.

If you think about it, many of us have taken these green energy sources for granted. If we do the  right thing now, future generations will not have to face the mess that we could have handled on our own years before.

In short, the power is in our hands. We have the technology and we know what to do with it. The only thing we need is to do is to put our money where our mouth is because despite the number of conferences on global warming and climate change, little has happened.

It is easy to talk about how concerned we are about the environment but you have to ask yourself when will more solar panels or wind turbines will be erected? When will the number of coal or nuclear power plants be reduced?

Green energy sources is the solution to the environmental, political and social problems of this lifetime. By spending more on these technologies, no country will have to depend on another or even a corporation for their power needs because they are self dependent and free.

Kamis, 08 November 2012

The Uses of Solar Energy

The earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than the power requirement of the world for the whole year. Solar energy is free, renewable, clean and sustainable. We know how to harness it and we know where to use it best. Below are the different uses of solar energy.

Grid-Tied Residential Homes

Solar energy can be used hand in hand with your current electricity provider. This is ideal to those who live in places where sunlight does not shine year round, to those who live in areas where electricity is cheap and to those who just want to use solar energy as a backup to their existing source of power. The idea is that if you have 2 sources of power, you can get uninterrupted power supply all the time.

One of the benefits of having a grid-tied solar energy system at home is that you can turn your electric meter backwards. This happens when you produce more energy than you use. The excess power that your system generates is sent out to the grid, which will be used by other households. As a result, your electric meter turns backwards and your electric provider will pay you for the amount of energy your system has produced.

Homeowners can use solar energy in producing electricity to power security lights around the house's perimeter. Since these types of lights consume as much as 5 times more power than the household's daily energy requirement, opting for solar energy system is very reasonable.

Solar power system may not be used to answer the entire power requirement of the household. Sometimes it is used to power particular equipment such as lighting, water pumping, cooking and water heating or other equipments that consume the most amount of energy.

Corporate Buildings

To save on electric bills, many companies and building owners install PV cells on their atria. On large industrial buildings, PV cells can be installed on rooftops. While the initial cash out is expensive, the amount of savings the system produces over the years will pay for itself.

Off-Grid Homes

If you have a cabin house or a farm house located far from the power grids, a solar power system can be your best source of electricity. Also, it is ideal if you need to power stand-alone sensing equipment and remote telemetry. Holiday homes that receive a substantial amount of sunlight can also benefit on this system.

Community halls, schools, clinics and other buildings that are not connected to any grid lines can use PV cells to generate power from the sun.

Signs and Street lights

Lights to brighten our street and street signs consume large amount of energy. This energy is drawn from electric providers that use conventional fossil fuels. To reduce the demand for this type of energy source, signs and street light can be installed with solar power systems that store power during the day and use it to light the streets at night. Many cities have solar panels attached to their street lights to save money and reduce fossil fuel burning.

Other Recreational Application

RVs and marine vehicles require small amount of power which are drawn from its engine. This consumes fuel and emits greenhouse gases. To reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gases emission, owners prefer charging their batteries with solar panels.


Rabu, 07 November 2012

Saving Energy In your Home (5)

81. Attain the ideal temperature for your refrigerator.

If you are going to make your refrigerator cooler than you need it to be, then you would be consuming more energy than necessary. With that, you have to take note of the proper temperature for the different parts of it, such as the freezer and the fresh food compartment. To check on their temperatures, just make use of a thermometer for it.

82. See that your refrigerator’s door seals are tight.

You have to make sure that your refrigerator seals are really tight, so that cool air would not escape through it. One of the best things to do for it is to close the door while letting a paper hang half inside the unit and half outside of it. If you can pull the paper out easily, then it means that the door seals are not airtight.

83. Don’t let your kids leave their TV sets turned on.

If your kids have their own rooms and each of the rooms has a TV set inside, then you should make sure that they are turned off when no one is using. With that, you should constantly remind your kids that they have to turn off the TV sets when they leave their rooms. Aside from that, make it a practice to constantly check on their rooms, just to make sure.

84. Make use of ceiling fans.

If you want to have a substitute for air conditioning, you can actually install ceiling fans inside your place for it. Ceiling fans can actually make a room more comfortable by providing sufficient movement of air. Because of that, you won’t have to turn on your air conditioner a lot of times.

85. What to do with your guest room.

Having a guest room inside your house can increase your energy consumption, especially if you don’t make adjustments when you don’t need it. To conserve energy, see to it that the guest room’s light is always turned off. Aside from that, keep in mind that attaining desirable temperature in it would not be needed as well.

86. Install tempered glass doors for your fireplace.

In having a fireplace, you want to make sure that heat loss would be reduced. This is because, if you can achieve that, it means that you would be able to reduce energy consumption of your heating equipment.

With that, it is best to install tempered glass doors for your fireplace, so that heat loss is avoided, and efficiency is improved.

87. Small portable heaters.

Making use of portable heaters that are small in size is good if you use it for a shorter period of time. However, if you need heaters for the long haul, then it is best to make use of a baseboard heater for it. This type of heater is best for long term use as it consumes lesser amounts of energy.

88. It may be time to buy a new thermostat.

Always remember that as your thermostat becomes older, its efficiency would also reduce. With that, if you are using an old thermostat, then it may be time to replace it. By using a newer thermostat, you would be saving more energy, which would also help you save money in the long run.

89. Buying the right heating product.

When it comes to buying the right heating product, you should check its features first before making the final decision. Aside from checking on the features of the product, you should also check reviews about it. Reviews can be found online, which can help you decide when you are turned between two products.

90. Using your dishwasher.

It is always best to use your dishwasher with a full load. Doing it this way can help in conserving energy. Aside from that, keep in mind that using a dishwasher actually consumes lesser amounts of water as well as energy than washing the dishes manually. Thus, if you have enough dishes to wash, then use your dishwasher for it.

91. Use hot water only if it is really necessary.

One of the biggest factors that can make your electricity bills spike is the use of hot water. With that, it is best if you only use it if it is absolutely necessary. Thus, when it comes to washing your clothes, only use hot water when you are trying to clean extra dirty ones.

92. Adjust your washing machine properly.

If you are used to washing a lot of clothes with your washing machine, then you may always be setting it a higher levels. Keep in mind that doing this can make your equipment consume more energy. Aside from that, the said setting can also ruin delicate clothes. With that, it is always best to check on the equipment’s settings, so that you won’t be damaging your clothes and wasting energy.

93. Drying towels.

When you try to dry your towels with the use of your washing machine’s dryer, then you would be using more energy. This is because, it would need to work harder, for towels and blankets can become heavy with water. To saving energy in your home, then it would be better to dry them on a separate load, or just simply air dry them.

94. Always read your oven’s manufacturer’s manual.

Keep in mind that electric ovens today have different operating features. In other words, there may be features that you can use in order to cook certain types of foods easier. With that, it is best to check on its manual, so that you can ensure that you won’t be using more energy whenever you are cooking.

95. Try not to open the oven door.

Whenever you are cooking up something with your oven, you may be tempted to open its door from time to time. Keep in mind that whenever you open up the door, your oven’s temperature could actually drop by 25 degree Fahrenheit. Thus, you would be making it work harder. Just check on the oven’s timer instead or the clock for its progress.

96. Turn your drinking water heater off.

If you do not need to drink hot water, then you should turn off your drinking water heater. Keep in mind that heating the water constantly would consume a lot of energy. Even if you are not consuming hot water, as long as its turned on, it would still constantly consume energy.

97. Soak beans overnight.

If you are planning to cook beans in the morning for breakfast, then soak them overnight. This is because, soaking it would allow the beans to absorb water. Because of that, the time you would consume in cooking them would be reduced, as well as the energy consumed.

98. Boiling hot water.

When it comes to drinking coffee, you may want to boil water for it. With that, it is best to boil just enough hot water for your needs, so that you would conserve energy. Thus, if you only need a cup of coffee, then boil just a cup of water for it, so that you would save time and energy.

99. Turn off decorative indoor and outdoor lights.

If you have decorative indoor and outdoor lights, then you should turn them off, whenever you don’t need them. Only use these types of lights when you are having a party or you are expecting guests. By doing that, you would not just saving energy in your home, but also prolong the lifespan of your lights.

100. Get the whole family involved.

It is best if you get your whole family involved in your quest to conserving energy. This is because, all of you would be consuming energy each day. Talk to them about the benefits of saving energy in your home, as well as the consequences if you would not take action for it. Explain things properly, and make sure to make it clear to them on how you are going to go about it.


Selasa, 06 November 2012

Increasing Your Energy

Do you have enough energy to create the life you want? Energy is the critical, invisible force that creates your vitality and aliveness.

Without it, you drag through life, tired, stressed, and drained. With it, you feel good, enjoy yourself, and have the fuel to create what you want in life.

When it comes to energy, more is definitely better and you can create more energy with a few simple steps.

Your Energy Account

Think of your energy like a bank account. Your thoughts, activities, actions, and interactions all have the potential to increase or decrease the balance in your account.

Withdrawing energy lowers the balance; depositing energy raises the balance. To keep your energy account high (which is what you want) minimize your withdrawals and maximize your deposits.

It sounds so simple but how can you actually do this?

How Do You Keep the Balance High?

Here are two keys to increasing the balance in your energy account.

1) Drop the drains.

We use energy all day long. That's what energy is for. However, some things drain too much of our life energy.

You might be drained by your job, certain family members, technology, time pressures, negative self-talk, negativity in others, or world problems.

What drains you is unique to you. A job, a person, or a task you find draining might not be draining for someone else.

Do less of what drains you. This may seem obvious yet it has been a breakthrough idea for some of my clients. Somehow they hadn't thought of stopping or doing less of what drained them. When they did - surprise! - they had a lot more energy.

2) Do what lights you up.

What lights you up is what energizes and enlivens you, what you love, what you're passionate about. By their very nature, your "lights" are deposits to your energy account. The more you do what lights you up, the more energy you'll have.

Like energy drains, lights are specific to each individual. What lights you up could actually drain someone else and vice versa.

People are lit up about many things: a walk on the beach, visiting an art museum, playing with a pet, listening to music, talking with friends. This list could go on forever.

The key is to identity what lights YOU up and what drains YOU. Then do more of the former and less of the latter.

An Example

I've been working on a project the last month or so, a project that was taking more time than I thought it would or "should."

I began to pressure myself to get the darn thing done. I started working more and playing less. This drained much energy out of my account without replenishing it so the balance kept getting lower and I kept feeling worse.

By the time I realized what was happening, my energy was very low. This "low balance alert" told me I needed to stop the energy drains and do more of what lights me up before I hit NSF (non-sufficient funds) in my energy account!

For me that meant allowing myself to slow down, working less on the project, and taking at least two hours every day to do something that lit me up.

The first day on my new plan, I worked only a couple of hours on my project. I then took a top-down drive in my convertible on a summery day, went to lunch at an elegant restaurant with a book I was interested in, and spent time visiting with friends. Throughout the day, I kept reminding myself it was okay to slow down and take it easy.

By the evening I was on an energy high, feeling happy, calm, and more myself. Just one day of less drain and more lights made a huge difference! I'll continue to make this a priority until my energy account is filled up.

In Your Life

If you'd like to increase the balance in your energy account, here are a few suggestions.

1) Assess your energy account. What's your balance?

If you're overflowing with positive energy, congratulations! Keep doing what you're doing as it's working for you.

If your balance is not as high as you'd like, try the steps below.

If your energy is depleted or draining rapidly as mine was, make restoring your energy your number one priority. Use the steps below to boost your energy as quickly as possible.

2) Notice what drains you.

Ask yourself "What is draining me?" and get curious about the answer.

Give yourself permission to and be creative about how to decrease your energy drains.

3) Give yourself permission to and do more of what lights you up.

If you don't yet know what lights you up -- or would like to know more -- ask yourself on a regular basis, "What lights me up?" or "Does this light me up?"

Create a list of what makes you feel alive, sparkly, passionate, energized, soothed, and nurtured. Spend some time every day doing something from that list.

The more you do what lights you up and the less you do what drains you, the higher your energy balance.

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, "What is a woman without energy? Nothing - nothing at all." Raise your energy balance and make you and your life something - something wonderful.


Senin, 05 November 2012

Phone 4 Energy Review

Ever wondered why you are paying so much for your electricity? Ever wanted to find a way to generate free electricity? Well, Phone 4 Energy is a brand new product that can teach you how to get free electricity from your phone line – yep, you’re already paying for it but there’s a hidden source of free energy right in your phone line and this guide teaches you how to get to it and how to make the most of it.

The best use for this kind of power is when the main power goes out – you can use your phone line to generate free electricity for your home if you have a power outage. Even if you have never done anything like this before, you will be able to learn all the steps needed to make the most of this hidden electricity.

I mean, you’re already paying for your phone line so why not make the most out of it by extracting the free electricity!

Most energy guides these days talk about solar panels and wind power – however, these aren’t always the best options. They can be very expensive and can end up being a bit of a nightmare – wouldn’t you prefer something that’s simpler? Well, it doesn’t get simpler than getting electricity from your already existing phone line and best of all it’s FREE electricity!

There are very few guides on energy that are actually actionable – but this one is. The Phone 4 Energy guide is highly recommended by a lot of industry experts and we believe it’s one you should look into if you’re interested in reducing your energy bills and having a backup source of electricity.

You can get up to 110 volts which is quite a lot – you can power appliances, lighting and anything else you want to in your home and using this guide you will learn exactly what you need to do to set everything up. In fact, you will be surprised at how easy it is – anyone can do this and it’s completely free electricity that you will be tapping into – pretty incredible right?

If you want to “go green” and you’re interested in renewable energy or any method to save yourself some money whilst remaining safe, then the Phone 4 Energy guide is ideal for you. At just $47 it’s extremely affordable and you even get 6 amazing bonuses if you order today!


Minggu, 04 November 2012

8 Energy Saving Tips

Our environment is suffering and our resources are depleting because we use too much of everything. Did you know that taking small steps to save our environment can also help you save money? If you follow one or all of the tips below, you can actually see real savings on your energy bill. You don't need to do everything but you can do something.

In a typical U.S. home, appliances and electronics make up about 20% of energy use. The first step is to look for Energy Star labels when buying appliances and products. Energy Star labels are strict guidelines created by the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency for energy efficiency. Follow some of these tips to help make the environment better for our future generations and save money at the same time.

Light bulbs

Use energy saving CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs) instead of the conventional incandescent light bulbs. Although CFLs cost 3-5 times as much as the incandescent light bulb, CFLs only use one-quarter of the electricity and lasts years longer. Each CFL bulb contains 5mg of mercury so you will have an extra item to sort in the recycling bin.


Never load your dishes in a dishwasher unless they are a full load. Air-dry dishes instead of using a dryer.


Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot water when you can. Instead of using a dryer, air-dry or hang your clothes on a clothes line. Don't use the dryer unless it houses a full load.


Think of what you want to take out before you open the refrigerator. Leaving the door open will waste extra energy.

Take Showers, less Baths

Taking showers instead of baths will reduce water usage and also lower your heating bill.

Turn Off all Appliances Not in Use: Turn off all lights, computers, and electronics when they are not in use. Plug all your electronics such as computers, TVs, and DVDs into power strips. Using a power strip can reduce electricity used to power home appliances. Even when your appliances are turned off, energy is still being consumed from the outlet. To avoid extra energy costs, unplug the appliance or use a power strip. The power strip has an off button to cut all the power from the appliance.

Weather-Strip Windows and Doors

Check windows and doors for air leaks. Air leaks can be sealed by caulking or weather-stripping. By securing the leaks in your home, hot and cool air will be kept in your home longer. Less heating and cooling will help you save on energy costs.

Look for Energy Star label

Energy Star labels are only given when appliances and products meet strict guidelines of energy efficiency from U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency.

Sabtu, 03 November 2012

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Take advantage of these important tips that will help save you money and make your home energy efficient!

1. Use Fluorescent Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs produce a lot of heat and are very inefficient. Replace your home lighting with compact fluorescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs use 25% of the energy that traditional incandescent bulbs use. In addition to that, flourescent bulbs last a lot longer.

2. Solar Outdoor Lights

Today's solar outdoor lights are not only cost effective but the designs are really nice, too. You're sure to find the right solar lights that match your homes design style all while enhancing the look of your garden for free. Paid for by the sun.

3. Upgrade Appliances

Think you can't afford a new refrigerator or microwave? Think again. Replace your appliances with Energy Star rated appliances. You will save in the long run and rest contently knowing you aren't wasting energy.

4. Get Programmable Thermostats

When you are headed off to work is there any reason to keep your thermostat at the same temperature you need it while your home? This is a big waste of energy and we don't always remember to change the setting before we leave. With programmable thermostats you basically just hired an assistant to take care of this for you. So relax.

5. Dim Lights

Dimming your lights can save anywhere from 10-50% in electricity and can extend the bulb's life by 20 times making your home enegry efficient.

6. Use Lighting Scenes

Ever wake up in the morning and find that the garage light is still on or come home from work and see that glow coming from the front office window? A
lighting control system can bring only certain lights on when you’re cooking, eating or reading. You can shut all the lights off in your energy efficient house at once or turn lights off in other rooms all from one convenient place.

7. Control Climate with Motorized Shades

You know the perfect time of day when the sun isn't coming straight through your windows but there's enough light outside to reduce having to use indoor
lights. Do we always remember to use natural light instead of flicking on the light in our house? I know I don't. Invest in motorized shades that can open at
just the right time of day allowing you to let the natural light into your home.

8. Alternative Energy

Solar panels on a south-facing roof can provide enough energy for electricity for your entire house.Don't worry you won't have a big metal twirling object on your roof, solar panels are designed to look like roof shingles keeping with the beauty of your home enegry efficient.

9. Variable Speed Air Handler

Using a variable speed air handler is another efficient means to cooling and heating your home. With a quiet start up and not as abrupt you can count on less noise and a more efficient flow of air through your home.

10. Monitor through Computerized Control Systems

Control your entire home through one system. It's more than just energy efficiency it is managing your home wisely with new technology that saves you money while allowing you to operate different technologies throughout your home. So get smart and start saving today!


Kamis, 01 November 2012

The Cost of Solar Energy System

Solar energy is free but the tools that will enable you to harness this free energy are not. If you are planning to install a solar energy system right at your home and would like to know how much it would cost, there are 3 things you need to consider:

First, the cost depends on how much energy your household requires. More energy you require means more solar panels and higher cost of installation. The good thing is, the technology to harness the power of the sun is relatively cheaper than it was several years ago.

Second, the government is offering a rebate to those who will switch to alternative form of energy. That means, the government will shoulder a portion of the total cost of the system.

Third, you can get tax credits when you switch to solar energy system. The amount of tax rebate depends from state to state but the range can go from $1000 to $2000.

All these affect the overall cost of your installation.

A photovoltaic system can cost roughly at $8000 to $10000 per 1kW system. This equates to $8 to $10 per Watt. An average American household with 3 bedrooms requires at least 1.5kW to as much as 3kW. Thus, installation can cost from $14000 to $30000, before rebates and tax credits.

Government rebate varies from state to state. As a reference, an average California household that requires 1.5kW system can get as much as $4200 rebate (1.5kW= 1500 watts x $2.80 per watt = $4200).

A household that requires 3kW system can get as much as $8400 (3kW= 3000 watts x $2.80 per watt = $8400).  Before, tax credit goes as much as 30% but it is lowered to 7.5% of system cost after rebate.

So an average household with 1.5kW system can get $735 ($14000 - $4200 x 7.5% = $735) worth of tax credit while the 3kW system can get $1620 ($30000 - $8400 x 7.5% = $1620) worth of tax credit.

Example A: 1.5kW system, Cost of solar electric system: $14000, Less rebate: $4200, Less tax credit: $735, Cost of the system after rebate and tax credit: $9065

Example B: 3kW system, Cost of solar electric system: $30000, Less rebate: $8400, Less tax credit: $1620, Cost of the system after rebate and tax credit: $19980

Again, these are rough estimates just to give you an idea of the cost of installing solar energy system. They do not represent real figures.

Top tips:

Energy independent home has higher resale value and is more preferred by home buyers. So, if you are planning to sell your home in several years, installing solar energy system does not only provide substantial saving on electric bill, it also is a good home improvement option. If you want to finance the cost of your solar energy installation, include it in your mortgage. If you want to reduce your electricity load, switch to energy efficient appliances. Buy electric appliances with ENERGY STAR seal.

Low energy requirement means lower installation cost. Residents of areas with higher electricity rate can benefit most on solar energy system.

If you can't afford the photovoltaic system, you can install solar hot water system that costs roughly from $2000 to $4000.

Solar energy is best for houses that are located far from the existing power lines.

Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

How to build DIY Solar Power generator?

Before, solar power or solar cell panels are only available in commercial areas and hardware stores. Nowadays, more and more people are trying DIY or do it yourself kits. You can expect to have your own setup in just one day, provided that you have an easy kit to start with. Solar power can be achieved right in your very own home, without the help of a professional. Make sure you follow the instructional guide carefully for the best results.

You can use parts that are available on the internet or your local store. You can create a tiny solar power generator with a budget of only $200 to $300. This is ideal for power failures and life outside the power grid. The setup can also effectively power the modem, television, DC appliances, computer, cameras and lights. You can use this in cabins, archaeological digs, tents and camping trips. This is the ideal setup for people who travel to undeveloped regions and countries.

Initial Steps

First of all, you need to make or buy yourself a tiny solar panel. You can get a device rated at 12 volts or higher for only $100 at a marine supply store or RV store. Next, purchase a battery. Experts recommend that you get rechargeable batteries from available green companies. Get any size of deep cycle 12 volt lead/acid or gel battery. You will need the deep cycle battery for nonstop use. The type in the car is a cranking battery, which is good for starting engines. You may also want to look for bargains and other good deals that will cost only around $50 to $60.

Next Steps

Take a battery box where you will put the generator in. The box may only cost around $10. It is ideal for covering the exposed terminals just in case you have kids inside the house. If you want to install the system in a cabin, pump shed or boat, you can skip this step. Purchase a 12 volt DC meter. This will cost you around $25. Purchase a DC input. The triple inlet model is recommended. You can purchase this for only $10 at a car parts store. The device will be good for powering DC appliances like lights, hair dryers and vacuum cleaners.

If you intend to power AC appliances, you will need an inverter. The inverter converts the stored DC power in the battery right into AC power for majority of household appliances. Measure the watts that you will need. Cheap inverters of various sizes can be purchased online too. Use a drill to attach the meter and DC input to the top region of the box.


Next, use insulated wire to connect the meter to the wingnut terminals found on the battery. Link the negative pole initially. Only handle a single wire at a time. Link the DC inlet straight to the battery in a similar fashion. Link the solar panel to the battery the same way. Shut the lid using a bungee cord to keep everything tight. Position the solar panel under the sun. It will take 5 to 8 hours to charge dead batteries. You can power different devices like fans, lights and radios.


10 Alternate Energy Sources To Live Well With Global Warming

Feeling hot under the collar?

Glaciers and polar ice are melting, ocean levels are rising, hot, dry weather, huge forest fires, water restrictions, crop failures...

You name it, if these don't feature in your life yet, they soon will. Global warming and climate change are facts of life now, according to the International Panel on Climate Change, and many scientists.

Huge problems beyond our control!

But are you hot under the collar?

If you're not, you probably live in a city where half of the Earth's citizens live now and take much for granted. Because in city living we are far removed from natural processes that deliver our food, clothing and energy.

Does your child even know that milk comes from a cow - or a soya bean if you're that way inclined - and not from a milk carton?

Even in the city you cannot stick your head in the sand (or under the asphalt?) and you are not immune from climate change. Witnesses are the 15,000 mostly elderly people that died in Paris alone in the sizzling hot European summer of 2003. Or the many killed in New Orleans at the 'hands' of cyclone Katrina.

And if you are hot under the collar, do you think perhaps that there will be some miraculous scientific break-through so they ever-responsible 'They' will fix the Earth? The ultimate stem cell technology maybe that can clone a new home for us!

Seriously, for many of us it is just all too hard.

All we want is to live a life where we may raise our children to have a future. A future of some predictability: of schooling, a job, a family, community, of achievements and an enjoyable life - on a healthy planet Earth.

Is this a fading dream, once a reasonable expectation?

Maybe, maybe not.

Our world is changing. There are great challenges ahead and it is too late to stop global warming. The Earth has changed and the processes it uses to regulate itself are adjusting themselves. And these changes will not suit human life as it is.

But you are not powerless. Each person alone can change the world, one by one. Let me explain. Do I say that these problems are under our control then?

Well, yes and no. We are talking about a severely disabled world really. And from the experience of disability we can learn how to survive and thrive!

"Come on, get real", you say? Do I hear: "Just show me the right alternate energy sources and we'll get out of this mess."

Yes, we desperately do need to switch to renewable energy sources that do not make a greenhouse out of our home, the Earth. But all the technology in the world will never be enough to survive  and flourish.

Renewable energy sources alone will not teach us to accept limits, unpredictability and what it is to lead a rewarding life.

How we have lived collectively, in our billions, for the last few hundred years, has got us to this point. And by changing what we do we can live through climate change as best as we might. Even now. It's simple and it's hard work. No way out of that.

Many people with severe disabilities know this. And they report the same or better life satisfaction as anyone else--under highly challenging, vulnerable circumstances. So, we can learn to live well in a disabled world.

Regardless of what is to come you and I will be well served by the beliefs and strategies that people with disabilities use to - not just to survive - but to live well. These are true alternate energy sources. Those that guide us how to use what we have sustainably.

These 'disabled people' believe this:

* Accept that all of us are fragile and vulnerable

* The world is full of limits. We need some of these to live well

* Vulnerability and dependence are an inevitable part of a whole life

* No-one is independent, but interdependent

* Connection with others is our lifeline and our wellbeing

And they do this:

* Engage with others to build positive relationship, where you live, work and play

* Pay attention to other's needs and that of the environment

* Take responsibility for the situation you're i

* Care for others and the environment competently

* Be assertive and use your humour and creativity

Not all people with disabilities act in this way of course. And I'd be the last to portray people with disabilities as heroes. We're just people - trying to get on.

You try that!

Talk to that elderly woman in your street. Offer a hand when someone needs it. Doing such small things will connect you with others and your environment.

And do also use the 'regular' renewable alternate energy sources, and recycle too. You can change your local world by acting in these ways. And if all fails - regardless? Well, it's the only way to go! Perhaps your world might be just as hot but it'll be cooler under your collar!

Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Solar Energy Is Hot

No doubt you’ve heard plenty about solar power but always thought it was too expensive, aside from minor uses in the now popular garden lighting systems. However, with fuel prices climbing and solar cells becoming more reasonable, adding solar power to your home is a great, long term solution to high energy bills.

That isn’t to say they’re cheap. Before rebates, it typically takes 12 or more years for a homeowner to make their investment in solar panels back. That’s much longer than the average person is willing to wait. However, many states now offer rebates, so the final cost to the homeowner is much less than it use to be. The rebates vary from state to state, so it’s impossible to say how much of an impact they have overall. There may also be federal incentives.

Solar panels are also steadily becoming more efficient. They produce more energy than they used to. They require relatively little maintenance, many of which you may be able to do yourself. This helps to make them very cost effective.

Solar energy isn’t just for making electricity. You can use it heat the water for your swimming pool or heat your home. There are many options available for those who are interesting in building an energy efficient home without sacrificing comfort.

Solar power is much, much cheaper than it used to be, as prices have fallen by 90% since the 1970s. That doesn’t make it cheap - yet! - to install enough photovoltaic cells to power a house, but in some areas the incentives given to install solar cells cuts the overall cost to the homeowner about in half.

To decide if solar energy is right for you, take some basic figures into consideration.

• Check your energy consumption.

You need to know how big a system you will need to power your home. Make sure you consider your highest consumption levels and the possibility that it will grow somewhat.

• Find out how much a photovoltaic system to meet your need will cost you.

The size will depend both on your energy need and on the available sunlight (solar resource) in your area.

• Find out what rebates and incentives are available to you to help decrease your costs.

• Consider whether your system will be on the grid or off.

On the grid has the advantage that you can sell when you have an excess and buy electricity when you don’t have enough, while with an off the grid system you have a battery to store your excess.

• Consider what the environmental benefits are worth to you.

This is a personal factor rather than a direct economic one. It won’t save you money, but knowing that you’re contributing a little less to pollution might change how you feel about the expense.

Choosing to use solar power in your home is an investment you can appreciate on many levels. Over a number of years it will save you money as you generate environmentally friendly energy. It’s not cheap to get started, but when you combine the environmental benefits with decreasing your reliance on fuel costs you can certainly appreciate the possibilities.

Saving Energy In Your Home (4)

61. Kitchen fans.

Whenever it is hot and you have turned on your air-conditioning system, you should not make use of the electric fan that you have in your kitchen. This is because, it can make warm and moist air go towards different parts of your place, and make your AC system work harder.

62. Clean your air-conditioning systems regularly.

Cleaning the filters of your air-conditioning system and cleaning the system itself are two different things. When it comes to cleaning the AC, it is best if you hire someone to do it for you. Do it regularly, so that it would be able to work as efficiently as possible.

63. Use your pressure cooker.

If you don’t have a pressure cooker, then it is time to purchase one. This is because, using a pressure cooker can help you saving energy in your home. With a pressure cooker, you would be able to cook food faster, since you would be applying pressure on it, aside from the fact that it would also make the temperature go up fast.

64. Inspect the indoor and outdoor coils of your air conditioner.

There are two coils that you need to inspect regularly when it comes to caring for your air conditioner. The indoor coil should be checked and cleaned always, since it gets wet during the process of cooling, aside from attracting dust. Dirt buildup on it can make the AC work harder, which is why it should be kept cleaned always. This is also the same with the outdoor coil.

65. Prevent excessive cooling.

There are times when you set the thermostat of your air conditioner beyond your desired temperature. You may simply become adjusted to it by using a blanket when you sleep. However, it is best if you bring down the thermostat level instead, since making your room cooler than you need it to be would make you consume more energy.

66. There is no need to make use of air conditioners during the entire summer season.

Although it is summer, there are times when the weather can be milder. It is during these times when you can substitute your air conditioner with just an electric fan. By doing that, you would be able to reduce your energy consumption by 40 to 60 percent.

67. Choose the right power for your room air conditioner.

Room air conditioners are available in different horse powers these days. You can choose from half, one, one and one half, and many more. When it comes to this, you need to consider the size of your room to be able to select the right horse power for your air conditioner. It is best that your AC has just the right power for your room, since too low or too high can make you consume more energy.

68. Properly installing your air conditioner.

It is very important to ensure that professionals are the ones to install your air conditioner. This is because, its installation is a factor that can affect its efficiency. The air conditioner has to be installed on a

flat surface, since it would help its drainage system and other mechanisms to work properly. See that it is installed properly, so that you won’t be consuming more energy than you should be.

69. Using a window air conditioner.

If you are using a window air conditioner, it is best if you set the fan speed on higher levels. However, if you can feel high humidity, then you should set it to low. Lower fan speed can actually make you feel more comfortable during warmer months, since it can help removing moisture from the air.

70. Check your car’s tires weekly.

You should make sure that your car is fuel efficient, in order to saving energy in your home. One of the factors that can affect that is its tires. With that, you need to check the tires of your car weekly, so that you can ensure that it has proper inflation. When that is the case, then you would be able to saving energy in your home by making your car more fuel efficient.

71. Read more books.

Reading more books can help you reduce your energy consumption. This is because, it would greatly reduce your time spent in front of your television. With that, it is best if you encourage your kids and your spouse to follow your lead, so that they can all contribute in saving energy in your home.

72. Do not place your TV set or your lamp near your air conditioning thermostat.

It is not a good idea to situate a television set or a lamp near your air conditioning thermostat. This is because, these appliances can give off heat towards the thermostat. When that happens, the thermostat would try to work harder than necessary to cool down your room’s temperature.

73. Make your company as paper less as possible.

Making your company as paper less as possible can help you conserve energy. This is because, each time you need to print something, you would be consuming more electricity. Aside from making your company reduce electricity bills by becoming paper less, you can also help the environment.

74. Unplug your air conditioner during winter.

It is a fact that you won’t be using your air conditioner during the winter times. Thus, it is best if you can unplug it, so that you can ensure that it won’t be consuming any kind of energy. It is also better if you can cover it with something, so that you would be able to preserve its quality.

75. Do not forget the seal between your AC and your window.

It is important to constantly check on the seal between your air conditioner and the frame of your window. This is because, the seal can get easily damaged with moisture. When that happens, the seal can eventually have holes, which would let cool air from your room escape.

76. Drain water from your hot water tank.

Draining water from the hot water tank regularly can help a lot when it comes to saving energy in your home. This is because, sediments inside the tank can reduce the efficiency of your tank. Draining even just a quart of water from the tank once every two to three months would already help a lot.

77. Cover your foods when you store them inside the refrigerator.

It is important to cover or wrap foods that you store inside your refrigerator. This is because, foods that are uncovered can release moisture inside the cooling unit. When that happens, it actually makes the compressor work harder, which means more energy consumed.

78. See if you have a butter conditioner insider your refrigerator.

It is always best to check on your user’s manual, even when it comes to making use of your refrigerator. This is because, it can also help you determine if your unit has a butter conditioner. This part of a refrigerator is actually a heater, and it is best if you can turn it off.

79. Don’t keep your old refrigerator running.

It is possible that you are still using your old refrigerator at your garage, especially in times when you need extra space. However, it would actually serve you better if you just obtain a new unit, even just a small one. This is because, old refrigerators can actually consume a lot of energy, due to their being inefficient.

80. Attain the ideal temperature for your refrigerator.

If you are going to make your refrigerator cooler than you need it to be, then you would be consuming more energy than necessary. With that, you have to take note of the proper temperature for the different parts of it, such as the freezer and the fresh food compartment. To check on their temperatures, just make use of a thermometer for it.

Nikola Tesla Secrets Review

Would you like to generate 100% free electricity for your home? How about using a device that was invented 100 years ago and still works today? Would you be interested in generating free electricity and reducing your energy bills to almost nothing?! If you’re like the average family then you would have answered yes to all those questions.

Nikola Tesla was a man who we now call “the father of electricity”. He invented a device that the government and energy companies have tried to keep hidden from us. It generates 100% free energy and provides enough power to supply your entire home for life.

Nikola Tesla Secrets is a brand new product that aims to uncover the truth and teach you how to create a Tesla system all for yourself so that you can now enjoy the benefits of free energy. The beauty of the Tesla system if that you can build it yourself and you don’t need any fancy equipment or materials – everything you need can be found at your local electrical store!

One of the most popular methods of green energy is solar power – unfortunately, this kind of installation can cost you thousands of dollars and can end up costing you much more in the long run. They’re not always 100% reliable and can be costly to fix.

The Tesla device is an extremely robust and powerful system which can help you generate 100% free unlimited energy and you don’t need a science degree to build it yourself. The Nikola Tesla Secrets product will teach you everything you need to know.

You will learn how you can get everything you need to build this system for under $100 and it will last you years and years. You will also learn how to get the most out of your new device once you’ve built it – this is amazingly helpful! Best of all, this amazing package is available at a great price and this alone makes it a no brainer – at just $47 you can get your hands on the entire package and start saving energy today!

With just a few things from your local store you can be up and running and generating 100% free unlimited energy for the rest of your life – do you realise how much money that will save you in the long run? You can literally save thousands of dollars with this tiny $47 investment. Read More...

Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Solar Energy Health Risks

Solar energy is a potential source of free electricity and water heating. It offers the power to enjoy electrical power in remote areas of the world. It seems to offer health and safety along with power, but does it?

Solar energy health risks are seldom mentioned. That may be partially due to the limited use of this source of energy. It may also be due to the lack of research in this area. Some have begun to study solar energy health risks, however, and if one researches long enough, a few estimates are available.

Thermal Solar Energy Health Risks

Solar energy health risks are inherent to the design and installation of most thermal energy systems. These are the systems designed to heat water and air for household use.

Solar water heaters complete three basic operations before delivering hot water to your faucet or your heating unit:

1. collect sunlight and convert it into heat energy.

2. circulate fluids that transfer the heat energy to a storage unit

3. store the hot water until you need it

The solar energy health risks with such a system usually occur in the storage units. Some units allow for the growth of allergenic molds and fungi.

If proper materials are used for the storage unit, however, these solar energy systems present few, if any, health risks. Their advantages are that they are far safer than most fossil fuels or nuclear power - they have no emissions and do not pollute the air.

PV Panel Solar Energy Health Risks

The solar energy health risks associated with photovoltaic (PV) panels occurs before the panels are put into use on the consumer's home. PV panels are the panels used to collect solar energy from sunlight and convert it into usable electricity.

The manufacture of PV panels requires the use of toxic materials. Silicon dioxide is mined from sand or quartzite and reduced with heat to pure silicon. Materials released during refining are the main health risks. Several steps in forming the photovoltaic cells utilize toxic materials. These are sprayed on the cells, and can readily be inhaled.

It is estimated that solar energy health risks associated with producing PV panels per unit energy may be between 11 and 21 deaths per quadrillion joules of energy produced.

Solar energy health risks from PV panels are very slight once the panels are produced and installed on the consumer's home. This type of solar energy is known for reliability and low maintenance. The home owner seldom needs to be involved in any repairs, and thereby cuts solar energy health risks.

Passive Solar Energy Health Risks

Passive solar energy provides safety and health. A new building that maximizes this technology can reduce energy costs by nearly one half. How?

1. Warming indoor air in a house through vertical, slanted windows facing the sun. The windows capture maximum solar energy from the sunlight.

2. Collecting solar energy in adobe or stone walls and floors, and then releasing it into the air as the temperature falls.

3. Collecting solar energy in a sun space, much like a greenhouse built on the sunny side of the home. This heat is sent into the home with proper ventilation.

4. Holding water in black roof tanks until needed, cutting the working time of the home's hot water heater.

5. Using clerestories – rows of windows near roof peaks that catch sunlight and bounce it through the building. The sunlight reduces the need for electric lights.

In Summary

Solar energy technologies present few, if any, health risks for the end user. Their use can reduce the health risks presented by other energy sources, providing cleaner, safer, more cost effective energy.

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Saving Energy In Your Home (3)

40. Buy energy efficient appliances.

If you are shopping for appliances, you would realize that in most cases, the energy efficient products are usually more expensive. Although they are, they can actually provide you with more benefits in the long run. Aside from helping you minimize energy consumption, these models usually are also made in higher quality than the others.

41. Charge your mobile phone’s battery, when it is almost empty.

Lots of people today put their mobile phones with its charger every time they arrive at their place, even when the battery is still half full. It is actually a better practice to charge your battery, when it is almost empty, so that you can minimize the number of times that you plug it into the socket. Aside from that, it can also prolong the life of your battery.

42. Using the right amount of detergent.

When you make use of your dishwasher, you should see to it that you are putting just the right amount of detergent. This is because, too much of it or too little can affect your dishwasher’s efficiency. It is time to read the instructions well, so that you can conserve more energy.

43. Use a dishpan whenever you are hand washing dishes.

Hand washing dishes is actually a good way to saving energy in your home, especially if there are only few of them that you need to deal with. However, you should not let hot water run continuously whenever you are doing it. To avoid this, you can always make use of a dishpan, in order to hold water. This would not just minimize the energy consumed, but it would also conserve water.

44. Using an electric oven for cooking.

When you are using your electric oven to cook something up, you can always turn it off in advance. In other words, you can turn off the oven even when you are not done cooking yet. There is no need to worry in doing that, since the oven can retain heat. This can also be done when you are just trying to heat your food.

45. Do not over dry your clothes.

Whenever you make use of your washing machine’s dryer, you have to be careful not to over dry your clothes. This is because, over drying them would waste a lot of energy. Aside from that, it can also ruin your clothes if you do it all the time.

46. Cook barbeque and steaks every weekend.

To enjoy your weekends, you can always cook barbeque and steaks with your family. This would reduce the amount of time that you make use of your electric stove and oven. Aside from that, it would also provide you a chance to spend time with your spouse and kids.

47. Have smaller cooking appliances.

Unless you are constantly throwing a party or there are lots of members in your family, you should make use of smaller cooking appliances to saving energy in your home. This is because, smaller ones simply consume lesser energy to do the same cooking task. Thus, it is time to make use of the smaller appliances, and use the larger ones only when you really need them.

48. Moving your refrigerator.

Always remember that the temperature around the place where your refrigerator is situated, can affect the appliance’s energy consumption. Thus, it is important that you situate your fridge in a cooler place. Do not let it stand near a cooker or where the sunlight comes in, so that it won’t have to work harder to cool down the food items it contains.

49. Do not forget to defrost your refrigerator regularly.

It is important to defrost your refrigerator on a regular basis. This is because, it can greatly help when it comes to its efficiency. Aside from that, it can also help in prolonging its life. If you don’t want to defrost manually though, then it is best to buy a refrigerator that has an automatic defrosting feature.

50. Taking a shower instead of a bath.

According to a lot of experts, taking a shower actually conserves more energy than taking a bath. To ensure that this is the case though, it is best to make use of low-flow showerheads, instead of the power showers. They provide the same comfort and consume lesser amounts of energy.

51. Make it a practice to avoid using hot water.

Heating water takes a lot of energy, which is why it is best to make it a practice to avoid using it. Lots of people heat water to take a bath. However, if you make it a practice to use regular water, then you can actually get accustomed to it eventually. Thus, if you want to saving energy in your home, then you should avoid using hot water from now on.

52. Insulating your home.

Insulating the ceiling and walls in your home can actually help you save about 25 percent of your heating cost. However, it needs to be done properly. Thus, you have to research about it, if you want to do it yourself. On the other hand, you can also hire someone to do it for it you.

53. Walk.

Keep in mind that using your car or motorcycle also requires energy. Thus, if you are trying to get to a place that is just walking distance from your place, then you should avoid using them. Aside from conserving energy, it can also help in saving the environment by using lesser amounts of fossil fuel.

54. Buy recycled paper products.

There are lots of recycled paper products available in the market today. When you purchase them, you are basically saving energy in your home, since it takes about 70 to 90 percent less energy, when it comes to recycling paper. Aside from that, you are also helping in preventing the loss of trees in a worldwide scale.

55. Do not throw away your shopping bag.

Making use of reusable bags when you are shopping can actually help in conserving energy. Aside from that, it can also help in reducing the amount of waste that you introduce to the environment. Thus, it is time to make use of reusable bags, instead of accepting the disposable kinds each time you shop.

56. Plant a tree in your backyard.

When you plant a tree in your backyard, it would eventually provide you with shade, which can reduce your air-conditioning bills during the summer time. Aside from that, it can also minimize the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Thus, it does not only help you reduce your bills but also help the environment.

57. Use renewable sources of energy.

When you make use of renewable sources of energy for your needs, you would be able to save more money when it comes to your electricity bills. Some of these sources are the wind and solar. This move can also reduce the amount of fossil fuel burned, which is helpful to the environment.

58. Start a carpool.

When you share a ride with your coworkers or friends, it would actually reduce the amount of fuel that you would consume. There is no need to do it every day at the start. You can do it at 2 days in a week at first, and once you get the hang of it, increase the number of times that you do it, so that you can all help in saving energy in your home.

59. Arrange your furniture items properly.

It is important that the air circulation from your cooling or heating equipment is not being blocked by anything. This is to ensure that it works at its maximum efficiency. Thus, you have to arrange your furniture items with that in mind, so that you can ensure lesser energy consumption.

60. Use your fireplace.

During the colder months, do not forget to make good use of your fireplace. By doing that, you won’t have to make use of a lot of energy in order to bring up the temperature inside your place. Just take out the fire though once you go to bed, so that you can also conserve firewood.

Home Made Power Plant Review

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your energy bills by up to 80% and you want to do your bit for the environment, then you are in the right place. Home Made Power Plant is a complete system that will teach you how to reduce your energy bills and even have the energy companies start paying you for the energy that you produce!

There are a lot of green energy products out there so you might be wondering why this one is different… well it is super affordable to start with! At just $47 it’s the most affordable complete package on renewable energy that we’ve seen online.

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You get a step by step plan to create your own mini power plant at home! This alone is worth thousands of dollars in savings – imagine being able to reduce your energy costs to literally nothing! How good would that be? You could start spending your hard earned money on things that are actually enjoyable – you could spend the money on your friends and family too!

There are a lot of reasons as to why Home Made Power Plant is the best on the market but a few of them include the easy to use nature of the plans. They’re step by step and don’t leave anything out – you don’t even need to have any experience at all!

If you’ve ever wanted to reduce your energy bills then Home Made Power Plant could be the ideal solution for you. With easy to use step by step instructions as well as being fully illustrated, you can’t go wrong – if you do, you can always ask for help too!

This system is definitely one of the best we’ve seen and it’s unlike any other because it’s so affordable and easy to use. If you buy today you will only be spending $47 but you could be saving thousands over the next year! Unlike other systems you won’t be left in the dark – you will not have any questions because they cover so much in the system – literally leaving no stone unturned!

If you’re interested in cutting your electricity bill by up to 80% and even earning money from the electricity that you generate (beyond what you use) then the Home Made Power Plant is the perfect guide for you – grab your copy today before the price increases! Read More...

Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Saving Energy In Your Home (2)

20. Air dry your dishes whenever you can.

Using the dishwater heater consumes a lot of energy. Thus, it is best if you turn it off, whenever you leave your place and also when you are not making use of it. Aside from that, it is also a good idea to simply air dry your dishes whenever you can or when you have the time for it.

21. Be mindful of your cooling system’s thermostat levels.

It is best to be mindful of your cooling system’s temperature or thermostat levels. This is because, it can determine the amount of energy that it would consume in cooling down your place. Thus, you should take note of the comfortable temperature that you want to achieve, so that you won’t go lower and consume more energy in the process.

22. An alternative to using your air conditioning system.

If it is warm and you don’t want to turn on your air-conditioning system for a while, you can make use of an alternative for it. All you have to do is to place a bowl that is filled with ice cubes in front of your electric fan. Turn on the fan, and you can feel cool air blown towards you.

23. Reduce the humidity inside your place.

Reducing the humidity inside your place can greatly help in making you more comfortable during warm weather conditions. To achieve that, all you have to do is to use a dehumidifier. When you make use of it, you can minimize the number of times that you have to turn on your air-conditioning system.

24. Use your air-conditioning system’s timer.

It is a good idea to make use of your air-conditioning system’s timer on a regular basis to saving energy in your home. For example, when you turn it on at night before going to bed, set the timer to turn off the system by dawn. This is because, it is usually pretty cold during that time, and you won’t even notice that your AC has already been turned off.

25. Minimize the use of your shower’s heater.

There are times when people make use of their showers’ heater even on summer times. Thus, whenever it is warm, you should see to it that your shower’s heater has been turned off. Do this, so that you can enjoy cooler water, and save on energy consumption.

26. Minimize the times your kids open up the fridge.

Whenever you open the door of your refrigerator, its cool air would go out and warm air would go in. Therefore, it can make your fridge work harder, and consume more energy because of it. Thus, you have to remind your kids not to open up the fridge a lot. Aside from that, let other members of your household be aware of it, so that they can all help out.

27. Purchase an air-conditioning system that can help you conserve energy.

There are air-conditioning systems today, which are designed to help you conserve energy. One example of it is that, it has a plug that comes with a socket in it, in which you can plug your fan into. With that, once the timer turns off the system, your fan would automatically be turned on, so that you won’t even have to get up of your bed to do it.

28. Buy more food items to place inside your refrigerator.

Keep in mind that a cooling system usually works harder with larger space. Thus, if your refrigerator is half empty, then it needs to consume more energy to cool it down. With that, you should try to consume more space inside your refrigerator, so that you would be able to saving energy in your home.

29. Turn off your computer.

Lots of people think that when they turn their computer off and on, it would wear out the system faster. However, it is actually untrue, especially with the newer computers. Thus, it is time to make it a practice to turn off your computer whenever you are not using it, so that you can bring down your electricity bills.

30. Turn off all heat sources in summer.

One of the best ways to minimize heat during the summertime is to turn off all the heat sources inside your place. Some of which would be lights, appliances, and other electrical items. Turning off these things whenever they are not in use would minimize heat inside the house, and would help you save on energy cost.

31. Use LED for your lighting needs.

LED lighting is now being used by a lot of companies, in order for them to reduce their electricity bills. This is because, these types of lighting are energy efficient compared to traditional types. Thus, it is time to make use of such types of lighting, so that you too can enjoy more savings from them.

32. Add light timers in your place.

Reducing the amount of time you make use of the lights inside your place can help a lot when it comes to energy saving. Thus, installing light timers can help you achieve your goal in it. With a timer, you can ensure that the lights in your porch or garage would be turned off, even before you go out of bed.

33. Energy saving in cooking.

Whenever you are trying to cook something with the use of a pot, it is better to make use of the lid for it to conserve energy. By using the lid, it ensures that heat would not go out of the pot and be focused on the food that you are trying to cook. This is actually one of the reasons why the lid is always included whenever you purchase a pot.

34. Having a swimming pool.

A swimming pool can greatly help you during summertime, since it can reduce the amount of time you make use of your air-conditioning system. However, running your pool can also consume lots of energy, especially if you let the water pump run 24 hours a day. To get around it, just let it run for 6 to 8 hours each day instead, so that you can saving energy in your home.

35. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Using the traditional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy. This is because, aside from providing light, they also produce heat. Thus, it is time to replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs today, so that you can saving energy in your home. They do not produce heat, and they consume 80 percent less energy.

36. Motion sensing devices.

Motion sensors can help you a lot when it comes to conserving energy. This is because, you can make use of them for your outdoor lighting. With motion sensors, you can ensure that your outdoor lighting would only be used whenever the sensors detect something moving outside your place.

37. Your furnace filters.

Keep in mind that your furnace filters can get dirty in just a matter of time. The dirtier they get, the more energy your furnace fan needs to consume in order to work. Thus, it is best if you replace the furnace filters on a regular basis, so that you can consume less energy.

38. Give your computer a break.

Keep in mind that your computer becomes slower as you fill it up with more and more data. Thus, it is time to clean out unwanted data from it. By doing that, your computer would work faster, which would reduce the time you need to spend in doing something in and it that would result to more energy saved.

39. Get your family to watch television in the living room.

It is quite a usual thing these days for each of the members of the family to have their own television set insider their own rooms. Whenever you are all trying to watch the same TV program though, convince all the members of the family to watch it in the living room. When you do this, you won’t just be saving energy in your home, but it can also give you time to bond with each other.

40. Buy energy efficient appliances.

If you are shopping for appliances, you would realize that in most cases, the energy efficient products are usually more expensive. Although they are, they can actually provide you with more benefits in the long run. Aside from helping you minimize energy consumption, these models usually are also made in higher quality than the others.